
Nuxt Tent - Vue.js Supplied #.\n\nA light in weight Nuxt 3 part that harnesses the electrical power of CSS animations to develop silklike hassle-free signboards.\n\nSetup.\n# if you are actually using npm.\nnpm i -D nuxt-marquee.\n\n# if you are actually making use of yarn.\nyarn include -D nuxt-marquee.\n\n

if you're making use of pnpm.pnpm i -D nuxt-marquee.Utilization.To use this module, add it to the components segment of your nuxt.config.ts report.export default defineNuxtConfig( //.components: [" nuxt-marquee"],. ).Instance.

Props.Residential{-String.Split-|-}Inline design for the compartment div.type.any sort of."".Call of the css type to type the compartment div.autoFill.boolean.false.Whether to instantly fill up empty space in the marquee with duplicates of the children or not.action.boolean.true.Whether to play or even stop briefly the marquee.pauseOnHover.boolean.untrue.Whether to stop the marquee when floated.pauseOnClick.boolean.false.Whether to stop briefly the signboard when clicked.direction." left" |"straight" |"up" |"down"." left".The instructions the marquee slides Caution: Vertical marquees are actually currently speculative and also might be buggy. Feel free to exchange the values of the tent's height and width when establishing all of them.rate.amount.50.Speed computed as pixels/second.delay.amount.0Period to delay the animation after provide, in seconds.loop.amount.0The amount of opportunities the signboard must loop, 0 is equivalent to infinite.slope.boolean.untrue.Whether to reveal the incline or not.gradientColor.string.white.The shade of the gradient.gradientWidth.number |cord.200.The width of the slope on either side.Events.Celebration Call.Explanation.finish.Released when the signboard completes scrolling and stops. Only names if loophole is non-zero.cycleComplete.Discharged when the signboard completes a loop. Performs not name if max loops are actually connected with (make use of onFinish as an alternative).